
What To Expect


When you arrive at St Paul it is helpful to know what you will expect to see.

When you arrive for a service at St Paul you will notice that there is something different than your normal everyday activities. Our Church is deeply historical in the way our Church looks, the songs we sing, and the way our service plays out. Many of the things we say, sing or do began in the Church as early as the first century. For example, The Apostles Creed is one of the earliest written confessions of the Church. This history is a part of our Church and ground us in the first Christian Church.

One of the most important parts of our service is what we call “The Sacraments.” The congregation gathers at the front of the Church to enjoy a meal of bread and wine we call it the Lord’s Supper. This moment is deeply important to our Church because at this moment we commune with God himself and we commune with each other. We believe that God is truly present in the Bread and Wine as he promised that this bread is his actual Body and Blood(Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20). We also believe that this act of communing is about our relationship with each other. That this meal reminds us not only of the love our God has for us by welcoming us but that we are united together in heart and belief seeking always to remain unified to one another.

You also might notice that our Service has a lot of activity. You will find moments of standing and sitting times when the Church responds to the Pastor and when we gather up at the rail at the front of the Church you will even see members making cross-motions with their hands. The structure and activity we do at our Service are called “Liturgy.” Liturgy helps us as a congregation to pay attention as the service moves along, it is helpful for children because they can learn the service and participate and it reminds us that this is not just a show or entertainment to watch, but we desire participation as we listen, sing and hear God’s Word.


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